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Analyze leagues and matches • Preview of GoWin! Software • The main window of the software includes: leagues, standings, played rounds / next matches and prediction table. • Latest results for a team • Predict Soccer Matches • Next matches for a team • See the full stats before the match starts!


Preview GoWin!
Football stats and forecasts

Analyze and Forecast Window

Standings, fixtures, predictions and statistics are in the main window.
Complete analysis!

Teams biorhythm & Face-to-face analysis

Here is the place for perfecting a detailed analysis, focused on the match level. The graphical presentation of the teams' biorhythms helps you to easily compare the teams, over the whole season.

Selection Techniques

Simply download and apply the default techniques or create, test and apply your own selection techniques.

Statistics for leagues & teams

The Statistics window gives you the strategic data you need in order to make better selections.

Print & Save

Print preview for fixtures, standings and forecasts.
 Intelligent design so even the computer novices can achieve the whole value just from the first click.